Friday, 25 September 2015

growing apart //

For all the good you believe you do in the world, sometimes, by some, certain people -  they will never see any of that good.

In many cases, it could be with the people you thought were closest with you who will only see the one mistake you made rather than the 100 act's of kindness and love you have portrayed.

At this age between the teenage years and the big scary adulthood a lot of changes are being made. some, you always knew were coming, and some you never expected.

The few that you never expected can enrich your life and be a happy surprise, and other's can break your heart like you never knew possible.

In my short years I have had a lot of heartbreak's. But never the typical teenage breakup with your first boyfriend stereotypical heartbreak. I have been hurt by family members that will never leave my memory, I have felt true betrayel.

But you never expect your Forever Friends who have been through this all to wakeup one day and decide they know longer want to know you. Now, I understand people grow apart, especially after 10 years, but to NEVER want to know how the other person is doing, to never want to see an instagram post from them even, I just dont understand.

It's hard to wrap your head around the fact that a week earlier you were having sleepover's and talking about your future career's, your hopes and your fears.

It's hard to adjust to the fact that I was 'dumped' just days before I have started uni, when I tried to be such a support when it was their turn.

Sometimes, unexpected sad times can happen right when it is supposed to be the happiest time of your life. We often have to learn to mourn for a past whilst already starting to enjoy our future weve thought about non-stop for years.

I have been told between the ages of 16-mid twenties, we meet a lot of temporary people. I have lost my permanent people. I believe this is why I am feeling so anxious about all of this right now.

A good friend told me 'atleast this has happened before you start your new chapter, not right in the middle. you have a fresh start' these are the word's that come to mind when I find myself going through the memories that I will still cherish forever, despite the shock and pain.

-J xxx

P.S if you have gone through something similair with friends, please leave a comment below!