Saturday, 9 May 2015

Lets talk insomnia..

A thing many teenagers encounter, but only in phases or a few month or so.

Insomnia = habitual sleeplessness; inability to sleep.
synonyms:sleeplessness, wakefulness, restlessness;
inability to sleep;

Insomnia is something I have suffered with for years. It is an ongoing problem in my life and I think it always will be. It started for me at the age of 15 during my GCSE's. Stress must have triggered it but it happened so so fast. I would sleep for 2 hours per night and on the weekends binge sleep for about 13 hours on a friday night. It was so unhealthy. These days when Im about to go to sleep my tirednes just disapears. And I literally force myself into an uncomfortable and very zombie-like sleep where I wake up feeling restless and like Iv not slept at all.

I have tried herbal treatments and pills but I never like the side effect of if they didnt completly work and you got less then 8 hours of sleep you would feel groggy and horrble all day the next day.

I am so tired (no pun intended) of spending my days tired and weak and not being able to function actual thoughts properly.. today is one of those days. I am exhausted and down and feel lonely and I know the main culprit is very serious lack of normal sleep.

I hope I can get this problem under control as I get older and stop letting it ruin so many of my days.

Lots of love, J xxx

Quote of the day: If it's both terrifying and amazing, then you should definatly persue it.

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